| Transport to Health Appointments
ANCA provides clients with door-to-door transport for non-urgent health related appointments. Volunteers use their own vehicles to provide the transport to local clinics, surgeries and hospitals.
Wheelchairs can usually be accommodated and help and support given to frail, physically disabled or sensory impaired clients.
The provision of this service enables clients to attend local clinics and hospitals without having to wait for health authority transport, struggle by public transport or pay for costly taxi services. The service is free to clients and is intended for those who have restricted mobility.
ANCA does not provide transport for social purposes, other than to and from ANCA's own organised events.

How It Works
ANCA office staff provide the administrative link between clients calling in for regular, or occasional, appointments and volunteer drivers who will collect the clients from their homes, take them to the appointment and collect them afterwards. ANCA also receives a growing number of referrals direct from the statutory medical and social organisations. All calls are logged.
Transport should be arranged via the ANCA Office well in advance, as it may take several calls to find a volunteer who is free on that particular day and time.
If you, or perhaps a neighbour, friend or relative, find it difficult to attend appointments, please give the office a call. It is our normal practice to restrict the service to clients living within our geographical area. The destination is normally within the Borough of Croydon or adjoining Boroughs, though exceptions can be made in certain circumstances. Transport is normally in private cars.
Clients should note that the volunteers are not medically trained. Please note: we are not equipped to deal with emergency situations.
Due to the level of the demand for this service, clients should contact the ANCA office well in advance of the appointment so we can find a volunteer.

Volunteers needed !
This service is heavily utilised and ANCA always needs additional car drivers who can be available during day time. Volunteer drivers must check with their car insurance company to ensure they and passengers are covered under throe insurance. A mileage allowance can be paid if required.